SimpleIPD is a web application for paperless management of hospital admitted patients.
SimpleIPD is written in PHP and Javascript. It uses SQLite databases for storing data.
The primary motivation behind creating SimpleIPD is to transition to a paperless system with minimal disruption to the workflow. To this end, SimpleIPD closely adheres to the natural workflow in a traditional hospital.
The system is primarily designed with small hospitals in mind with tightly integrated departments.
All data is centrally hosted and is focused on fast and convenient operations while attempting to keep the complexity to a minimum.
If used in multiple hospitals, each hospital will need a separate server installation.
To install SimpleIPD, you need a webserver with PHP and SQLite support.
The app has been tested with Apache 2.4.38 running PHP 7.3.27 and SQLite 3.27.2.
The app uses client side JavaScript for convenience but it is not essential to the core functionalities.
Download the latest version of SimpleIPD from here
Untar the source tarball
tar -xvf simpleipd.tar.gz
Move the extracted directory to your desired installation location. E.g.
mv simpleipd /srv/http/
CD into the app directory.
cd /srv/http/simpleipd
Copy the config.php.example file to config.php
mv config.php.example config.php
Create the databases from the schema.
cd databases
sqlite3 data.db<../data.schema.sql
sqlite3 log.db<../log.schema.sql
cd ..
Create the attachments folder.
mkdir www/data/attachments
Set the www
folder as the document root in the web server configuration. The precise settings will depend on the web server you are using.
Create users and set access level.
./adduser [username] [usergroup] [department] [password]
After completing the above steps the app may be directly accessed by visiting the web address assigned in the webserver configuration.
The following access groups are defined at present
SimpleIPD can be accessed and used from any modern browser. Hence the app is platform agnostic and can be used from desktops, tablets as well as smartphones.
However, a stable internet connection is required at all times.
Copyright © 2021-2025 Dr. Agnibho Mondal
All rights reserved
SimpleIPD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Agnibho Mondal
Softwares of Agnibho
Copyright © 2013-2025 Dr. Agnibho Mondal