Installation instructions for Anagram ===================================== What do you need ---------------- * A C++ compiler (recommended GNU C++ compiler) * Qt Library (To follow the instructions below you will also need gnu make) Installation steps ------------------ (The following instructions assume that you are using GNU C++ compiler along with the GNU make and you already have QT library installed) 1. Untar the source tarball tar -xvf anagram.tar.gz 2. Change to the extracted directory cd anagram 3. Build the binaries make 4. Install the program make install (The default makefile installs the binaries to the /usr/local/bin directory and the dictionary files to the /usr/local/share/anagram/dictionary directory. To uninstall remove those directories.) Custom installation ------------------- To install Anagram to a custom location you will have to edit the makefile. In addition to that you have to edit the find.hpp file in the source directory prior to build. sed -i find.hpp "s:/usr/local/share/anagram/dictionary:/your/custom/path:"