--- /dev/null
+class DB extends SQLite3 {
+ function __construct(){
+ $this->open("data/data.db");
+ }
+ function checkUser($username, $password){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT hash FROM users WHERE user=:user");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":user", $username);
+ $result=$stmt->execute();
+ $hash=$result->fetchArray();
+ if($hash){
+ return(password_verify($password, $hash["hash"]));
+ }
+ else{
+ return(false);
+ }
+ }
+ function admit($post){
+ $quer=$this->prepare("SELECT count(rowid) FROM patients WHERE pid=:pid");
+ $quer->bindValue(":pid", $post["pid"]);
+ $exist=$quer->execute();
+ if($exist->fetchArray()[0]==0){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("INSERT INTO patients (pid,name,age,sex,status,summary,ward,bed,diagnosis,data) VALUES (:pid,:name,:age,:sex,'admitted',:summary,:ward,:bed,:diagnosis,:data);");
+ }
+ else{
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("UPDATE patients SET name=:name,age=:age,sex=:sex,ward=:ward,bed=:bed,diagnosis=:diagnosis,summary=:summary,data=:data WHERE pid=:pid;");
+ }
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $post["pid"]);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":name", $post["name"]);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":age", $post["age"]);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":sex", $post["sex"]);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":status", "admitted");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":ward", $post["ward"]);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":bed", $post["bed"]);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":diagnosis", $post["diagnosis"]);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":summary", $post["summary"]);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":data", json_encode($post));
+ $stmt->execute();
+ }
+ function updateHistory($post, $pid){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("UPDATE patients SET history=:history WHERE pid=:pid;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":history", json_encode($post));
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $stmt->execute();
+ }
+ function addPhysician($post, $pid){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("INSERT INTO physician (pid, time, data) VALUES (:pid, :time, :data);");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":time", strtotime($post["date"].$post["time"]));
+ $stmt->bindValue(":data", json_encode($post));
+ $stmt->execute();
+ }
+ function editPhysician($post, $pid, $id){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("UPDATE physician SET time=:time,data=:data WHERE pid=:pid AND rowid=:id;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":id", $id);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":time", strtotime($post["date"].$post["time"]));
+ $stmt->bindValue(":data", json_encode($post));
+ $stmt->execute();
+ }
+ function addNursing($post, $pid){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("INSERT INTO nursing (pid, time, data) VALUES (:pid, :time, :data);");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":time", strtotime($post["date"].$post["time"]));
+ $stmt->bindValue(":data", json_encode($post));
+ $stmt->execute();
+ }
+ function editNursing($post, $pid, $id){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("UPDATE nursing SET time=:time,data=:data WHERE pid=:pid AND rowid=:id;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":id", $id);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":time", strtotime($post["date"].$post["time"]));
+ $stmt->bindValue(":data", json_encode($post));
+ $stmt->execute();
+ }
+ function addReport($post, $pid, $form){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("INSERT INTO reports (pid, time, form, data) VALUES (:pid, :time, :form, :data);");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":time", strtotime($post["date"].$post["time"]));
+ $stmt->bindValue(":form", $post["form"]);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":data", json_encode($post));
+ $stmt->execute();
+ }
+ function editReport($post, $pid, $id, $form){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("UPDATE reports SET time=:time,data=:data WHERE pid=:pid AND rowid=:id;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":id", $id);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":time", strtotime($post["date"].$post["time"]));
+ $stmt->bindValue(":data", json_encode($post));
+ $stmt->execute();
+ }
+ function addDrug($pid, $drug, $dose, $route, $frequency, $date, $time, $duration, $addl){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("INSERT INTO treatment (pid, drug, dose, route, frequency, start, duration, omit, addl) VALUES (:pid, :drug, :dose, :route, :frequency, :start, :duration, :omit, :addl);");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":drug", $drug);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":dose", $dose);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":route", $route);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":frequency", $frequency);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":start", strtotime($date." ".$time));
+ $stmt->bindValue(":duration", $duration);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":addl", $addl);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":omit", false);
+ $stmt->execute();
+ }
+ function omitDrug($id){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("UPDATE treatment SET end=:end,omit=:omit WHERE rowid=:id;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":end", time());
+ $stmt->bindValue(":omit", true);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":id", $id);
+ $stmt->execute();
+ }
+ function addRequisition($pid, $test, $date, $time, $room){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("INSERT INTO requisition (pid, test, time, room, sample, status) VALUES (:pid, :test, :time, :room, :sample, :status);");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":test", $test);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":time", strtotime($date." ".$time));
+ $stmt->bindValue(":room", $room);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":status", "sent");
+ $stmt->execute();
+ }
+ function omitRequisition($id){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("UPDATE requisition SET status=:status WHERE rowid=:id;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":status", "done");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":id", $id);
+ $stmt->execute();
+ }
+ function addAdvice($pid, $name, $dose, $route, $frequency, $duration, $addl){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("INSERT INTO discharge (pid, name, dose, route, frequency, duration, addl) VALUES (:pid, :name, :dose, :route, :frequency, :duration, :addl);");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":name", $name);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":dose", $dose);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":route", $route);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":frequency", $frequency);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":duration", $duration);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":addl", $addl);
+ $stmt->execute();
+ }
+ function deleteAdvice($id){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("DELETE FROM discharge WHERE rowid=:id;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":id", $id);
+ $stmt->execute();
+ }
+ function setDischarged($pid){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("UPDATE patients SET status=:discharged WHERE pid=:pid;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $stmt->execute();
+ }
+ function setDead($pid, $post){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("INSERT INTO death (pid, time, data) VALUES (:pid, :time, :data);");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":time", strtotime($post["date"].$post["time"]));
+ $stmt->bindValue(":data", json_encode($post));
+ $stmt->execute();
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("UPDATE patients SET status='expired' WHERE pid=:pid;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $stmt->execute();
+ }
+ function getDrugs($pid){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT rowid,* FROM treatment WHERE pid=:pid;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $result=$stmt->execute();
+ return($result);
+ }
+ function getRequisitions($pid){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT rowid,* FROM requisition WHERE pid=:pid;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $result=$stmt->execute();
+ return($result);
+ }
+ function getAdvice($pid){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT rowid,* FROM discharge WHERE pid=:pid;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $result=$stmt->execute();
+ return($result);
+ }
+ function getName($pid){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT name FROM patients WHERE pid=:pid;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $result=$stmt->execute();
+ return($result);
+ }
+ function getAge($pid){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT age FROM patients WHERE pid=:pid;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $result=$stmt->execute();
+ return($result);
+ }
+ function getSex($pid){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT sex FROM patients WHERE pid=:pid;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $result=$stmt->execute();
+ return($result);
+ }
+ function getWard($pid){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT ward FROM patients WHERE pid=:pid;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $result=$stmt->execute();
+ return($result);
+ }
+ function getBed($pid){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT bed FROM patients WHERE pid=:pid;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $result=$stmt->execute();
+ return($result);
+ }
+ function getStatus($pid){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT status FROM patients WHERE pid=:pid;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $result=$stmt->execute();
+ return($result);
+ }
+ function getDiagnosis($pid){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT diagnosis FROM patients WHERE pid=:pid;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $result=$stmt->execute();
+ return($result);
+ }
+ function getList(){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT pid FROM patients;");
+ $result=$stmt->execute();
+ return($result);
+ }
+ function getForm($id){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT form FROM reports WHERE rowid=:id;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":id", $id);
+ $result=$stmt->execute();
+ return($result);
+ }
+ function getAdmission($pid){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT data FROM patients WHERE pid=:pid;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $result=$stmt->execute();
+ return($result);
+ }
+ function getHistory($pid){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT history FROM patients WHERE pid=:pid;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $result=$stmt->execute();
+ return($result);
+ }
+ function getData($pid, $id, $cat){
+ if($cat=="physician"){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT data FROM physician WHERE pid=:pid AND rowid=:id;");
+ } elseif($cat=="nursing"){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT data FROM nursing WHERE pid=:pid AND rowid=:id;");
+ } elseif($cat=="reports"){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT data FROM reports WHERE pid=:pid AND rowid=:id;");
+ } else{
+ return(false);
+ }
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":id", $id);
+ $result=$stmt->execute();
+ return($result);
+ }
+ function getAllData($pid, $cat){
+ if($cat=="physician"){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT rowid,data FROM physician WHERE pid=:pid;");
+ } elseif($cat=="nursing"){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT rowid,data FROM nursing WHERE pid=:pid;");
+ } elseif($cat=="reports"){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT rowid,data FROM reports WHERE pid=:pid;");
+ } elseif($cat=="info"){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT rowid,data FROM patients WHERE pid=:pid;");
+ } elseif($cat=="history"){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT rowid,history FROM patients WHERE pid=:pid;");
+ } else{
+ return(false);
+ }
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $result=$stmt->execute();
+ return($result);
+ }
+$db = new DB();
$stmt->bindValue(":id", $id);
+ function addRequisition($pid, $test, $date, $time, $room, $form){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("INSERT INTO requisition (pid, test, time, room, form, status) VALUES (:pid, :test, :time, :room, :form, :status);");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":test", $test);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":time", strtotime($date." ".$time));
+ $stmt->bindValue(":room", $room);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":form", $form);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":status", "active");
+ $stmt->execute();
+ }
+ function omitRequisition($id){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("UPDATE requisition SET status=:status WHERE rowid=:id;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":status", "done");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":id", $id);
+ $stmt->execute();
+ }
function addAdvice($pid, $name, $dose, $route, $frequency, $duration, $addl){
$stmt=$this->prepare("INSERT INTO discharge (pid, name, dose, route, frequency, duration, addl) VALUES (:pid, :name, :dose, :route, :frequency, :duration, :addl);");
$stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ function getRequisitions($pid){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT rowid,* FROM requisition WHERE pid=:pid AND status=:status;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
+ $stmt->bindValue(":status", "active");
+ $result=$stmt->execute();
+ return($result);
+ }
function getAdvice($pid){
$stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT rowid,* FROM discharge WHERE pid=:pid;");
$stmt->bindValue(":pid", $pid);
- function getList(){
- $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT pid FROM patients;");
+ function getPatientList(){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT pid,ward,bed,name,diagnosis FROM patients;");
+ $result=$stmt->execute();
+ return($result);
+ }
+ function getRequisitionList(){
+ $stmt=$this->prepare("SELECT rowid,pid,test,room,time,form FROM requisition WHERE status=:active;");
+ $stmt->bindValue(":active", "active");