from os import path, popen
from shutil import rmtree, copytree, ignore_patterns
from datetime import datetime
+import argparse
import re
from conf import *
# Start script
def main():
+ global args
+ #Parse arguments
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate static html files")
+ verbo = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ verbo.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="Suppress text output to console", action="store_true")
+ verbo.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="Verbose text output to console", action="store_true")
+ parser.add_argument("-s", "--safe", help="Disable python eval of strings", action="store_true")
+ parser.add_argument("files", help="List of files to be processed", nargs="*")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
# List all files to be processed
filelist = []
- for patt in PROCESS_PATT:
- filelist.extend(glob(patt))
+ if(args.files):
+ filelist = args.files
+ else:
+ for patt in PROCESS_PATT:
+ filelist.extend(glob(patt))
+ # Purge output directory and rebuild if specific filenames not supplied
+ if(not args.files):
+ rmtree(OUTPUT_DIR, True)
+ copytree(".", OUTPUT_DIR, ignore=ignore_patterns(*PROCESS_PATT))
+ if(not args.quiet):
+ print("Contents copied to " + OUTPUT_DIR + "\n")
- # Purge output directory and rebuild
- rmtree(OUTPUT_DIR, True)
- copytree(".", OUTPUT_DIR, ignore=ignore_patterns(*PROCESS_PATT))
- print("Contents copied to " + OUTPUT_DIR + "\n")
+ # Send file list for processing
# Process each file in list
def process_file(filelist):
+ global args
global openif, ifstatus, ifskip
#Loop over the filelist
for filename in filelist:
- varlist["DOCUMENT_URI"] = filename
- varlist["DOCUMENT_NAME"] = path.basename(filename)
- varlist["LAST_MODIFIED"] = datetime.fromtimestamp(path.getmtime(filename)).strftime(conflist["timefmt"])
- print("Processing " + filename)
- outfile = OUTPUT_DIR + path.splitext(path.basename(filename))[0] + ".html"
- with open(filename) as src, open(outfile, "w") as out:
- for line in src:
- line = re.split("(<!--#.+-->)", line)
- for item in line:
- if(item.strip()):
- if(item.strip()[:5] == "<!--#"):
- item = process_directive(item.strip()[5:][:-3].strip(), path.dirname(path.realpath(filename)))
- if(not ifskip and (not openif or ifstatus)):
- out.write(str(item))
- print("Output written to " + outfile + "\n")
+ try:
+ varlist["DOCUMENT_URI"] = filename
+ varlist["DOCUMENT_NAME"] = path.basename(filename)
+ varlist["LAST_MODIFIED"] = datetime.fromtimestamp(path.getmtime(filename)).strftime(conflist["timefmt"])
+ if(not args.quiet):
+ print("Processing " + filename)
+ outfile = OUTPUT_DIR + path.splitext(path.basename(filename))[0] + ".html"
+ with open(filename) as src, open(outfile, "w") as out:
+ for line in src:
+ line = re.split("(<!--#.+-->)", line)
+ for item in line:
+ if(item.strip()):
+ if(item.strip()[:5] == "<!--#"):
+ item = process_directive(item.strip()[5:][:-3].strip(), path.dirname(path.realpath(filename)))
+ if(not ifskip and (not openif or ifstatus)):
+ out.write(str(item))
+ if(not args.quiet):
+ print("Output written to " + outfile)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ if(not args.quiet):
+ print("Error: file '"+filename+"' could not be found. Please check if the file exists.")
+ except IsADirectoryError:
+ if(not args.quiet):
+ print("Error: can't process directory '"+filename+"'. Please provide file names only.")
# Process the directives
def process_directive(line, filedir):
+ global args
global varlist, conflist
global openif, ifstatus, ifskip
+ if(args.verbose):
+ print(" Processing directive : "+line)
# Tokenize directives
line = re.split('''\s(?=(?:[^'"]|'[^']*'|"[^"]*")*$)''', line)
directive = line.pop(0);
ifstatus = (evaluate_expression(params["expr"]) == True)
except KeyError:
+ if(args.verbose):
+ print(" Error: no expression to process")
return conflist["errmsg"]
elif(directive == "elif"):
ifstatus = (evaluate_expression(params["expr"]) == True)
except KeyError:
+ if(args.verbose):
+ print(" Error: no expression to process")
return conflist["errmsg"]
elif(directive == "else"):
except KeyError:
+ if(args.verbose):
+ print(" Error: no filename to include")
return conflist["errmsg"]
elif(directive == "exec"):
except KeyError:
+ if(args.verbose):
+ print(" Error: no command to execute")
return conflist["errmsg"]
elif(directive == "echo"):
except KeyError:
+ if(args.verbose):
+ print(" Error: no variable to display")
return conflist["errmsg"]
elif(directive == "config"):
return(datetime.fromtimestamp(path.getmtime(filedir + "/" + params["file"])).strftime(conflist["timefmt"]))
except KeyError:
+ if(args.verbose):
+ print(" Error: missing filename")
return conflist["errmsg"]
elif(directive == "fsize"):
idx = { "B":1, "KB":1024, "MB":1048576, "GB":1073741824, "TB":1099511627776, "b":1, "kb":1024, "mb":1048576, "gb":1073741824, "tb":1099511627776, "bytes":1, "kilobytes":1024, "megabytes":1048576, "gigabytes":1073741824, "terabytes":1099511627776 }
return("{0:.2f}".format(path.getsize(filedir + "/" + params["file"]) / idx[conflist["sizefmt"]]) + conflist["sizefmt"])
except KeyError:
+ if(args.verbose):
+ print(" Error: missing filename")
return conflist["errmsg"]
elif(directive == "printenv"):
varlist[params["var"]] = evaluate_expression(params["value"])
except KeyError:
+ if(args.verbose):
+ print(" Error: missing variable or value")
return conflist["errmsg"]
+ if(args.verbose):
+ print(" Error: unrecognized directive")
return conflist["errmsg"]
return ""
# Expression evaluation
def evaluate_expression(expr):
+ global args
expr = str(expr)
+ if(
+ if(args.verbose):
+ print(" Can't evaluate expression in safe mode")
+ return conflist["errmsg"]
m=re.findall("\$\{*[^\}\s=><!+\-*/^%]+\}*", expr)
for v in m: