]> Softwares of Agnibho - anagram.git/blob - find.hpp
[anagram.git] / find.hpp
1 /**********************************************************************
2 * Title: Anagram
3 * Description: Application for finding anagrams of a word
4 * Author: Agnibho Mondal
5 * Website: http://code.agnibho.com/anagram
6 **********************************************************************
7 Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Agnibho Mondal
8 All rights reserved
9 **********************************************************************
10 This file is part of Anagram.
12 Anagram is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
15 (at your option) any later version.
17 Anagram is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 GNU General Public License for more details.
22 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 along with Anagram. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 **********************************************************************/
25 #ifndef FIND
26 #define FIND
28 #define DICT_PATH "/usr/local/share/anagram/dictionary"
30 /*
31 *Provides the functions for finding anagrams from a dictionary
32 *Uses is_palindrome from check.h
33 */
35 #include <iostream> //For showing progress on console
36 #include <string> //For string
37 #include <vector> //For vector data
38 #include <algorithm> //For transform
39 #include <fstream> //For reading dictionary files
40 #include "check.hpp" //For is_anagram
42 using namespace std;
44 //Single word anagrams
45 vector<string> find_anagram(string word){ //Finds anagrams from dictionary
46 vector<string> file_name; //Make container to hold dictionary filenames to search
47 vector<string> anagram_list; //Make container for holding anagrams
48 int len=word.length(); //Find word length. Used to construct names of files to search through.
49 //Loop over word to construct filenames (C++11)
50 for(char i : word){
51 string j=DICT_PATH"/"+string(1,i)+to_string(len)+".txt"; //Constructs filenames from word. (C++11)
52 if(find(file_name.begin(), file_name.end(), j)==file_name.end()){ //Check if filename is already registered
53 file_name.push_back(j); //Register filename
54 }
55 }
56 //Loop over files to collect anagrams. (C++11)
57 for(string i : file_name){
58 ifstream infile(i); //Makes the file reader
59 string line; //Variable to hold each line from the file
60 while(getline(infile, line)){ //Loops over the file
61 transform(line.begin(), line.end(), line.begin(), ::tolower);//Converts to lowercase
62 if(is_anagram(word, line)){ //Checks if the read string is an anagram of the word.
63 anagram_list.push_back(line); //Saves the found anagram
64 }
65 }
66 }
67 return anagram_list;
68 }
70 //Multiple word anagrams
71 vector<string> find_anagram_multiword(string word){ //Finds multiword anagrams from dictionary
72 word.erase(remove_if(word.begin(), word.end(), ::isspace), word.end()); //Remove spaces from string
73 vector<string> file_name; //Make container to hold dictionary filenames to search
74 vector<string> anagram_list; //Make container for holding anagrams
75 int len=word.length(); //Find word length. Used to construct names of files to search through.
76 //Loop from 1 to len
77 for(int l=1; l<=len; l++){
78 //Loop over word to construct filenames (C++11)
79 for(char i : word){
80 string j=DICT_PATH"/"+string(1,i)+to_string(l)+".txt"; //Constructs filenames from word. (C++11)
81 if(find(file_name.begin(), file_name.end(), j)==file_name.end()){ //Check if filename is already registered
82 file_name.push_back(j); //Register filename
83 }
84 }
85 }
86 //Loop over files to collect potential words. (C++11)
87 vector<string> word_list; //Container to hold potential words
88 for(string i : file_name){
89 ifstream infile(i); //Makes the file reader
90 string line; //Variable to hold each line from the file
91 while(getline(infile, line)){ //Loops over the file
92 transform(line.begin(), line.end(), line.begin(), ::tolower); //Converts to lowercase
93 bool flag=true; //flag` is used to mark if `line` is allowed as a potential anagram word
94 for(char i : line){ //Loops over line by each character
95 if(word.find(i)==string::npos){ //If any character of `line` is not present in `word` mark `flag` as false
96 flag=false;
97 }
98 }
99 if(flag){ //If `line` is a potential candidate save `line` to the word list
100 word_list.push_back(line);
101 }
102 }
103 }
104 //Construct sentences from the word list
105 vector<int> index; //Holds the word index while cycling through the list
106 string holder; //Temporarily holds the sentence during construction
107 int tmplen; //Holds potential sentence length temporarily
108 index.push_back(0); //Initiate first index
109 //Progress variables
110 int progress_total=100;
111 int progress_current=0;
112 int progress_percent=0;
113 if(word_list.size()>=3){
114 progress_total=word_list.size()*3;
115 }
116 else{
117 progress_total=word_list.size();
118 }
120 while(index.at(0)<word_list.size()){ //Until first index exceeds list length
121 tmplen=0; //Resets `tmplen`
122 for(int i : index){ //Loops over index
123 tmplen+=word_list.at(i).size(); //Calculates combined length of all indexed words
124 }
126 if(tmplen<word.size()){ //If temporary sentence length is less than actual word length, add another index
127 index.push_back(0);
128 }
129 else if(tmplen>word.size()){ //If temporary sentence length is more than actual word length, remove last index and increment the previous index
130 index.pop_back(); //Remove last index
131 //Remove all indices exceeding list length
132 while(index.back()>=word_list.size()-1){
133 index.pop_back();
134 }
135 if(index.empty()){ //Exit loop if all indices are removed
136 break;
137 }
138 index.back()++; //Increment new last index
139 }
140 else if(tmplen==word.size()){ //If temporary sentence length is equal to actual word length, increment last index
141 //Construct temporary sentence to be checked from the indexed words
142 holder=""; //Reset holder
143 for(int i : index){ //Concatenate all indexed words
144 holder+=word_list.at(i)+" ";
145 }
146 if(is_anagram(word, holder)){ //Checks if the constructed string is an anagram of the word
147 anagram_list.push_back(holder); //Saves the found anagram
148 }
150 //Remove all indices exceeding list length
151 while(index.back()>=word_list.size()-1){
152 index.pop_back();
153 }
154 if(index.empty()){ //Exit loop if all indices are removed
155 break;
156 }
157 index.back()++; //Increment new last index
158 }
159 //Calculate progress using first 3 indices
160 if(index.size()>=3){ //Use first 3 if indices more than 3
161 progress_total=word_list.size()*100+word_list.size()*10+word_list.size();
162 progress_current=index.at(0)*100+index.at(1)*10+index.at(2);
163 }
164 if(index.size()==2){ //If 2 indices
165 progress_total=word_list.size()*10+word_list.size();
166 progress_current=index.at(0)*10+index.at(1);
167 }
168 else{ //If only 1 index
169 progress_total=word_list.size();
170 progress_current=index.at(0);
171 }
172 progress_percent=progress_current*100/progress_total; //Calculate progess percentage
173 cerr<<progress_percent<<"% completed\t"<<anagram_list.size()<<" anagrams found.\r"; //Print progress
174 }
175 return anagram_list;
176 }
178 #endif //FIND