]> Softwares of Agnibho - medscript.git/blob - README
Bugfix: index entries
[medscript.git] / README
1 MedScript
2 =========
4 MedScript is a medical prescription writing software. It is primarily for
5 medical practitioners for writing prescriptions.
7 The purpose of the program is to enable medical practitioners to prepare
8 computerized prescriptions. The program has been designed after the commonly
9 used prescription format among the medical practitioners in India.
10 Inclusion of prescription style of other regions will hopefully be implemented
11 in future updates.
13 File
14 ----
16 The program uses a custom file format mpaz (Medical Prescription Archive -
17 Zipped). It is a zip file in a specific format which includes:
19 1. A meta.json file containing file type and mpaz version.
20 2. A prescription.zip file containing the actual prescription.
21 3. An attachment folder containing attached files.
22 4. A template folder containing the bundled prescription template.
24 Optionally the mpaz archive may also include an S/MIME signature and
25 certificate for authentication.
27 The structure of the mpaz file is as follows:
29 <filename>.mpaz (zipped file)
30 |-- meta.json (e.g. {"type": "MedScript", "version": "<mpaz version>"})
31 |-- prescription.json (Prescription object in JSON format)
32 |-- template (included template for rendering)
33 | |-- index.html (Jinja2 template)
34 | |-- <other template files e.g. CSS>
35 |-- attachment (directory containing attachments)
36 | |-- <attached files>
37 |-- signature (optional: S/MIME signature)
38 |-- certificate.pem (optional: full certificate chain including end-user, intermediates and root certificate)
40 Directory
41 ---------
43 MedScript uses a directory structure to store user files. It is highly
44 configurable. An example directory structure is given below:
46 <medscript data directory> (configurable)
47 |-- document (for storing prescription files)
48 | |-- <document files>
49 |-- plugin (for installing plugins)
50 | |-- <installed plugins>
51 |-- prescriber (for storing prescriber information)
52 | |-- <prescriber files in JSON format>
53 |-- preset (for storing preset files)
54 | |-- additional.csv
55 | |-- advice.csv
56 | |-- certify.csv
57 | |-- investigation.csv
58 | |-- medication.csv
59 | |-- note.csv
60 | |-- report.csv
61 |-- template
62 | |-- <installed templates>
63 |-- config.json (the configuration file)
65 Install
66 -------
68 MedScript can be used by simply downloading it from the repository and running
69 it with the Python 3 interpreter. The necessary python libraries need to
70 be installed. Alternatively the release versions can be
71 downloaded and used directly.
73 The required Python libraries are as follows:
75 1. PyQt6
76 2. PyQt6_sip
77 3. python_dateutil
78 4. Jinja2
79 5. lxml
80 6. Markdown
81 7. cryptography
82 8. packaging
84 Usage
85 -----
87 The common functionalities of the program can be used within the graphical
88 interface. Editing of some configuration files are needed only for the
89 advanced features such as custom presets.
91 When starting the program, the main window of is shown.The menu bar at the top
92 can be used to access most of the functions. The toolbar below it contains the
93 most commonly used functions for quick access.
95 ### Creating a prescription
97 A new prescription can be created right from the starting window.
98 Alternatively the "New" menu option can be used to create a new
99 prescription.
101 There are eight tabs in the tab bar containing important parts of a
102 prescription.
104 1. Patient tab: It contains the demographical data of the patient, diagnosis
105 and a few extra parameters of the prescription. The diagnosis can be entered
106 here. To enter multiple diagnosis semicolon (;) may be used to separate them.
108 2. Clinical tab: It contains the clinical note regarding the patient. The
109 presets can be selected from the preset box at the top and inserted into the
110 note by clicking the insert button.
112 3. Report tab: It contains the reports shown by the patient. It also has the
113 preset option.
115 4. Advice tab: It contains the primary advices given to the patient. It is
116 usually printed at the top of the advice section of the prescription. It also
117 has the preset option.
119 5. Investigation tab: It contains the investigations suggested to the
120 patient. It also has the preset option.
122 6. Medication tab: It contains the medications advised to the patient. It has
123 the preset option. It can contain both the generic and brand names of a
124 medicine. To insert an alternative name (generic/brand) write it on the same
125 line and surround it with square brackets i.e []. It also has the preset
126 option.
128 7. Additional tab: It contains additional advice given to the patient. It is
129 commonly printed at the bottom of the prescription.
131 8. Attachment tab: Files e.g. PDF, images may be attached to the prescription
132 file from the attachment tab. These attachments can be viewed later when
133 opening the prescription file with the program. However, this attachments are
134 not printed with the prescription.
136 ### Saving a prescription
138 The "Save" or the "Save As" option from the "File" menu can be used to save a
139 file created or edited in the program.
141 ### Opening a prescription
143 The prescriptions are saved in mpaz files and can be shared easily. To open a
144 prescription file, the "Open" option from the file menu can be used.
145 Alternatively the file name can be supplied to the program as command line
146 argument when starting from the command line.
148 ### Rendering a prescription
150 The prescriptions can be rendered and subsequently printed from the "Prepare"
151 menu by selecting the "Render" option. Note that the files must be saved
152 before rendering. The rendered prescription is opened in a separate window. It
153 can be saved as PDF or printed directly.
155 ### Data
157 The prescription files in the default document folder are incorporated into an
158 index which can be used to quickly find a particular prescription. To use this
159 feature, select the "Index" option in the "Data" menu.
161 Data from the the prescription files can be combined into a table and
162 exported to a CSV file for analysis from the "Tabular" option in the "Data"
163 menu.
165 ### Template
167 The program uses Jinja2 template for rendering the prescription. A default
168 template is provided with the program. However, other templates (see default
169 template for reference) can be created and placed in the template folder to be
170 used for rendering the prescriptions. The drop down option in the toolbar can
171 be used to switch between available templates.
173 Note that the templates are packaged with the mpaz file which can be used for
174 rendering. However, modifying/saving the file overwrites it.
176 It is easy to develop templates for the program. How to develop templates is
177 mentioned below.
179 ### Markdown
181 This program supports markdown formatting. Markdown can be used to format the
182 prescriptions and certificates. It can be turned on from the
183 "Configuration" dialog under the "Settings" menu.
185 ### Medical Certificate
187 The Certify/Extra area can be used to write a medical prescription. Preset
188 system is available for this as well. Certification requires different
189 templates designed for it. A template named medcert is included with the
190 program.
192 Prescriber
193 ----------
195 The program is primarily targeted towards individual practitioners. However,
196 it can be easily adapted for multiple practitioners.
198 The data of the practitioner is stored in json files in the prescriber
199 directory. The default file to be loaded is configured in the config file. A
200 command line option can be used to specify which alternative prescriber file
201 to load in the program, e.g. `<program> --prescriber <prescriber file>`.
203 The data of the currently selected prescriber can be edited using the
204 "Prescriber" option under the "Prepare" menu.
206 If multiple prescribers have been configured (e.g. by copying the prescriber
207 file and editing them individually), the prescribers can easily by switched by
208 using the "Switch" option in the "Settings" menu and selecting the desired
209 prescriber file.
211 Preset
212 ------
214 The program uses a preset system to insert repeatedly used text without the
215 need to type them. To use this feature the text must be entered beforehand to
216 the respective files. These files are in the CSV format and can be edited
217 with any spreadsheet editing software.
219 There is a preset editor included with this software as well. This editor can
220 be accessed by going to the "Settings" menu and selecting the "Preset" option.
222 The preset editor contains a drop down input at the top which can be used to
223 select the respective file to edit. There is also a "Save" button at the top
224 which can be used to save the changes to the selected file.
226 The data is presented in an editable table which can be used to edit the data
227 in the selected file. While editing, the KEY/VALUE format is to be used as
228 shown in the top row. The "Add Row" button at the bottom can be used to add a
229 new row for entry of new data.
231 The preset files are kept in the preset directory. The files associated with
232 medical certificate, clinical note, report, advice, investigation, medication
233 and additional are certify.csv, note.csv, report.csv, advice.csv,
234 investigation.csv, medication.csv and additional.csv. Each file contains a top
235 row indicating the variables in the columns. The data is entered in two
236 columns with each row containing a KEY and a TEXT. The TEXT can be entered in
237 the edit area by selecting the KEY from the preset input. Blank files with
238 only the top row are included with the program.
240 Configuration
241 -------------
243 The default configuration file contains sane defaults and the program can be
244 used without editing it. However, the json formatted configuration file can be
245 edited to further tune the program to the users preference.
247 The default configuration is the config.json located in the config directory.
248 However, a different config file may be provided by using the
249 `<program> --config <filename>` command line argument.
251 It is recommended to use the default config file as base while creating
252 another customized config file.
254 A graphical configuration editor is also included with the program. It can be
255 accessed by going to the "Settings" menu and selecting the "Configuration"
256 option. The configurable options are as follows:
258 1. Data directory: where the user data of the program is stored.
260 2. Prescriber: the default prescriber which is loaded when the program
261 starts.
263 3. Preset newline: whether a newline / line break to be inserted after a preset
264 is inserted.
266 4. Preset delimiter: CSV files may have different delimiters. By default
267 this program uses "," as delimiter, however this can be changed to ";" from
268 here.
270 5. Markdown: The markdown formatting can be enabled from here.
272 6. Check update: Whether updates are available can be checked at program start
273 up by enabling this option.
275 7. Plugin: The plugin system can be enabled from here.
277 8. S/MIME: This is an experimental feature and is disabled by default. To use
278 it, it has to be enabled first from the settings. The Private key, X509
279 certificate and Root bundle can be selected from the options that follow this.
281 Prescription Object
282 -------------------
284 The program uses a Prescription object to store the prescription data. The
285 structure of the Prescription object is as follows:
287 prescription (Prescription object)
288 |-- date (string: date-time in the %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S format)
289 |-- id (string: the id of the prescription)
290 |-- name (string: the name of the patient)
291 |-- age (string: the age of the patient, may contain unit)
292 |-- sex (string: sex of the patient)
293 |-- address (string: address of the patient)
294 |-- contact (string: contact number / email of the patient)
295 |-- extra (string: extra data related to the prescription, may also be used for writing certificates)
296 |-- mode (string: the mode of consultation e.g. tele-consultation)
297 |-- daw (boolean: dispense as written)
298 |-- diagnosis (string: diagnosis of the patient's condition)
299 |-- note (string: clinical note e.g. history, physical examination)
300 |-- report (string: available reports)
301 |-- advice (string: advice given to the patient, not the medications)
302 |-- investigation (string: investigations suggested for the patient)
303 |-- medication (string: the list of medications prescribed)
304 |-- additional (string: any additional advice/instructions)
305 |-- prescriber (Prescriber object)
306 | |-- name (string: the name of the prescriber)
307 | |-- qualification (string: the qualification of the prescriber)
308 | |-- registration (string: the registration number of the prescriber)
309 | |-- address (string: the address of the prescriber)
310 | |-- contact (string: contact number / email of the prescriber)
311 | |-- extra (string: any extra data about the prescriber)
313 Plugin
314 ------
316 MedScript has a plugin system which can be used to incorporate customized
317 plugins written in python. To use the plugins, the plugins must be saved in
318 the configured plugin directory and plugin must be enabled in the
319 configuration.
321 Enabling arbitrary plugin is dangerous and may cause catastrophic damage. Only
322 install plugins from trusted sources and review the code.
324 Plugin Development
325 ------------------
327 Developing MedScript plugin is very simple. All you need is to create a python
328 file and implement a few functions.
330 The plugin is kept in its own directory. The name of the directory is the name
331 of the plugin. A plugin directory must contain a file called main.py which
332 contains the functions needed by MedScript plugin system. The directory tree
333 is as follows:
335 <medscript data directory (e.g. ~/MedScript)>
336 |-- plugin
337 | |-- <plugin directory (e.g. the name of the plugin)
338 | | |-- main.py
339 | | |-- <other files needed by the plugin>
341 The main.py file may implement the following functions which will be called by
342 the program as needed:
344 def new(prescription)
345 Called when creating a new document. It is also called during program startup.
346 def open(prescription)
347 Called when opening a document.
348 def save(prescription)
349 Called when saving a document.
350 def refresh(prescription)
351 Called when the refresh option is selected.
352 def run(prescription)
353 Called when the option associated with the plugin is selected from the plugin menu.
355 The `prescription` parameter passed to the functions is a Prescription object.
356 The structure of this object is mentioned above. The `prescription` object can
357 be modified directly by the plugins.
359 Please note that an option associated with the plugin is added to the "Plugin"
360 menu if the plugin implements a `run` function. By default the name of the
361 option is the name of the plugin. However, this can be overridden by setting a
362 global variable called `name` with the desired name.
364 Each function mentioned above may return a string which will be displayed to
365 the user by the program.
367 Plugins may get input from the user by implementing one or more of the
368 following functions:
370 def input(string text)
371 Get text input from the user.
372 def fileopen(string path)
373 Get file to open. Only called before "run" function.
374 def filesave(string path)
375 Get file to save. Only called before "run" function.
377 Plugin may run in the background by defining a global variable `background`
378 with the value `True`. This may be useful for long running tasks without
379 freezing the program. This is only available for the "run" function. However,
380 plugins running in the background can not modify the prescription object.
382 The plugin may implement one or more functions mentioned above, it is not
383 necessary to implement all.
385 An example plugin, that modifies the name of the patient, may be as follows:
387 name="Change Name"
388 background=False
389 text=""
391 def run(prescription):
392 global text
393 prescription.name=text
394 return("Name change")
396 def input(data):
397 global text
398 text=data.strip()
400 Template Development
401 --------------------
403 Templates are used to render the prescriptions to HTML. A template contains a
404 directory with the name of the template. This directory contains a file called
405 index.html and any other additional files needed.
407 <medscript data directory (e.g. ~/MedScript)>
408 |-- template
409 | |-- <template directory e.g. the name of the template>
410 | | |-- index.html (the Jinja2 template)
411 | | |-- <additional files e.g. CSS>
413 The index.html file is the Jinja2 template. The attributes of the Prescription
414 object is available to the template. For example the name of the patient can
415 be accessed by `{{name}}` while the name of the prescriber can be accessed by
416 `{{prescriber.name}}`.
419 Website
420 -------
422 <https://code.agnibho.com/medscript/>
424 License
425 -------
427 MedScript
429 Copyright (C) 2023 Dr. Agnibho Mondal
431 MedScript is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
432 terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
433 Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
434 version.
436 MedScript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
437 WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
438 A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
440 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
441 MedScript. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
443 Contact
444 -------
446 Dr. Agnibho Mondal
448 mondal@agnibho.com
450 www.agnibho.com